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Saturday, November 23, 2013

Meet Our Good Cosmic Family  
Intergalactic Conference
Peru, November 2013

A Tour like No Other

You are invited

The Eternal City at Lake Titicaca Calls you to be Initiated in Cosmic Love, Contact and Communion with our
 Good Space Family

Eternal Mysteries of Peru

A 3 Part Tour 

Part 2 is the featured Galactic Conference at Lake Titicaca

Travel and initiations with highly aware guides, mystics and Shamans from the Andes
Led by Jorge Luis Delgado 
Author of Andean Awakening

 Hosted by Author Pat Crosby

Part 1   NOVEMBER 13th to 21st, 2013  
Features initiations and sacred mysteries of Machu Picchu and the Sacred Valley.

Part 2   NOVEMBER 22nd - 27th, 2013
Includes an Intergalactic Conference at Lake Titicaca with contactees, lectures and nightly UFO sky watches. Visit the most sacred and mysterious places in all the Andes mountains and Peru with initiated shamans and authentic storytellers from these ancient cultures.

Part 3   NOVEMBER 27th to 30th, 2013 
Fly over the mysterious Nazca Lines and hear from shamans and scholars about this mysterious place. UFO watch.

An Invitation from the Cosmic Council –
Through Pat Crosby

Dear Family of Light,

You are warmly and cordially invited to join us in the Eternal City of Peru in November of 2013.

The portal at Lake Titicaca is called the eternal city because it connects you directly with the eternal cosmic heartbeat.

Join us and an extraordinary collection of human researchers, guides, guardians, angels, and brothers and sisters of other worlds, friends and family members of light from the higher dimensions and our human family as we congregate to explore the universal oneness we all share in the vibrant rhythm of the cosmic heartbeat.

Meet those who are so connected and hear them talk about it.

Many prominent UFO researchers from several countries will report their own sightings, experiences, and findings. We will spend time under the living skies at Lake Titicaca in the evening - actively putting out a call to connect with our beloved family from these other worlds - these higher dimensions.

Speakers at the conference will also  discussing their journeys, their contacts, and what it all means in the greater cosmic scheme of things, and how it has, and will affect our unfolding life here on planet earth both individually and collectively.

Shamans will be leading us at the sacred energy spots in energetic initiations to open our awareness and sensitivity to these subtler and higher dimensions.

Included in the roundup of cosmically connected speakers are an internationally respected group of UFO researchers, a contactee, an initiate into the Great Andean White Brotherhood, and those who have given their life to understanding and communicating with intelligences from other dimensions.
We hold you in the Creator's Light and hope you can join us!

Pat Crosby

Sacred Tour Guide

Celestial beings, Human Beings, and Extraterrestrial Beings are all found at the Lake Titicaca portal in Peru. 

This area is often described with the following terms:

·     Navigation Zone
·         Secret Base 
·         Retreat of the Masters from superior dimensions and intergalactic portals.
·         The Eternal City

In this dawn of the new era, our hearts and our minds are awakening for offering our service to the evolution of all life.

If you feel the call to be of service as a "bridge person" - to help humanity come to know of these beings and their gifts, this conference is for you. We aim to expand our own consciousness as well as that of our fellow humans.

A bridge person also connects their own heart and mind with their higher divine self.

The ancient name of the Lake Titicaca is
Wiñaymarca - The Eternal City

This Eternal City invites us now to join together and communicate with our brother and sister colleagues from other worlds.

This joining of our force fields will help create a new energy paradigm on our planet to assist and be of service to our fellow beings.
At this conference, we will hear from those who have made these conscious connections and are willing to share their experiences, insight, and knowledge with us who are also so called.

Complete tour includes

·         Navigation Zone in the Andes
·         The intra-terrestrial and sub-aquatic worlds in the Lake Titicaca
·         Pre Inca Cultures relationship with extraterrestrial life and UFO’s
·         Sunken civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria
·         The Solar Disc and its service to all humanity
·         Star Families
·         Nazca Lines, Cahuachi and Chillca as Watching areas
·         Positive messages which are received in this new cycle
·         Andean experiences
·         Techniques and practices to elevate our vibratory frequencies
·         Aids for spiritual growth
·         Sky Watch every night.

Pilgrimage to the most important Navigations Zones, and to the Pre Inca and Inca archi-tectonic and energetic sites

Our list of international speakers includes those known for sharing their experiences with beings from other worlds.

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